Classroom 2.0 LIVE Chicago Event

Just this past weekend, I was able to attend the Classroom 2.0 LIVE Chicago gathering in the Kenwood neighborhood of Chicago (just a few blocks from President-elect Obama’s home!). It was a very organic gathering of ed techies and educators (and an NPR reporter as well). We discussed wikis, google apps, twitter and other web 2.0 niceties. I also gave a short “lightning” demo on one of my favorite web 2.0 apps, edmodo. Jeff O’Hara, co-founder of edmodo, was there to answer questions and film the demo. He has been kind enough to let me share his footage on my blog [Thanks Jeff!].

Many thanks to Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray for organizing this event!  Oh, and if you haven’t yet checked out edmodo, you should.  More than 6000 users have contributed more than 28,000 posts via edmodo since its official launch in September of 2008!

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